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o   Monday June 3rd through Thursday June 6th will be similar to a “2-A-Day”. 

-        Monday, June 3rd  Players will report to the High School for a 3:00 pm start with an 8:00 pm finish

-        Tuesday, June 4th & Wednesday, June 5th Players will report to the High School for an 11:30 am start with a 4:30 pm finish

-     Players should pack a small snack for the break between practices.  Players should also bring a pair of extra socks to change between the two practices.


o   Thursday, June 6th  Players will report to the high school at 9:00 AM

-        Thursday is an all day camp culminating in a passing scrimmage with Ashland H.S., a Barbeque dinner and the tent city campout.  We will be staying outside Thursday night unless inclement weather occurs. 

-      A camping tent, sleeping bag, toiletries, towel, etc… Extra sports drinks/water and snacks should also be considered. 

-      Players should pack enough clothing items for 3 practices along with clothes to lounge and relax in.

-        Below is a preliminary agenda for Thursday

-      Players report at 9:00 AM, set up tents, and prepare for practice 1.

-      Practice throughout the day

-      5:00 – 6:30 7 on 7 passing scrimmage vs Midview at the Track Field.

-      7:00 Dinner

o   Friday, June 7th- Departure day

-        Departure from 8:30 – 9:30

o   Families are needed to help provide food for the players on Thursday and a continental breakfast on Friday morning; we will organize the meal and contact you once the sign-up sheet is complete.

o   This is a no-contact camp however all players will need to have a completed physical

o   The cost of the camp is $10, the money will be used to help offset the cost of feeding the team and camp shirts. 

-        We are looking for help feeding the team during the following time

-      Thursday Lunch @ 1:00 PM

-      Thursday Dinner @ 7:00 PM

-      Friday Breakfast @ 8:30 am


Our team camp is structured very similarly to the “Spring Ball” found at the college level.  It is intended for returning players to the high school team, incoming freshman, and also upperclassmen interested in joining the 2024 Wadsworth Grizzly football team.  As a staff we encourage players who want to be a part of the 2024 football team to attend this camp, a majority of our offense and defense will be installed throughout the week.  All of the information our players receive at the camp will be re-taught over two days but at a more rapid pace.  It will be to the benefit of the player to learn the offense and defense before we enter mandatory practices.  This is an important week for our football program but is not a mandatory requirement to play in 2024.

Wadsworth High School

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